Thursday, April 10, 2014

Future Planning

About 4 years ago we transitioned my oldest child from a nursery to a "big girl" room.  She still has some mileage left on her current bedroom décor, but I know that it will not be long before the pastel colors and butterflies will be completely uncool to my full-fledged big kid.  So, just because when it comes to redecorating I am like a kid in a candy shop, I have been starting to loosely pull together ideas for her future re-do. 

It is always so helpful to me to just look around at everything.  Catalogs, magazines, internet sites...there are endless sources for inspiration.  And inspiration can come from so many different sources.  A color scheme here, some bedding ideas there, drapery options...put it all together and you have a space that reflects your personal style.

Here are a few images I have saved to bring me some inspiration for my oldest daughter's future room redesign:

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