Friday, November 21, 2014

Time For Christmas Cards

I have mentioned in the past how very much I love snail mail.  Not junk mail, of course, but real deal, someone took a moment to write it by hand, letters.  Beautiful papers, lovely cards, engraved monogrammed notes, they all make me so happy.  So, it should be no wonder that one of my favorite things about the holiday season is the abundance of holiday cards.

I know, it can seem like one more thing to add to your list of things to do, but if you prepare and get started now, it will save your much needed sanity.  Just don't give up on them.  Christmas cards are a little way to let someone know that you thought of them this holiday season (especially when they are hand addressed!).

Since now is the time to get working on Christmas cards, here are some of my favorites.

All these card designs can be found at

All these card designs can be found at

All of these card designs can be found at


  1. I am so on the fence this year about whether or not to send out cards. I honestly think I am just going to post one via social media. Ha! How lame am I? I just get get it together this season!

  2. I love mail, too - and real Christmas cards. I got mine from Minted last year - and I think I will go with them again (although, I need to get it together and get them ordered soon!).

    Lisa @ Daily Style Finds

    (p.s. If you are looking for some extra money for Christmas shopping, I have a $200 cash giveaway on the blog today.)

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